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Feb.13 Safe Arrival
Published on Feb 13, 2017 07:05

The following are procedures for safe arrival on bus cancellation days. 

If buses are cancelled and your child walks or is driven to school, it is at the discretion of the parent whether it is safe for their child to walk. If your child is a walker and will not be attending school, it is the responsibility of the parent to contact the school to report their child’s absence.

If buses are cancelled and your child takes the bus and will not be attending school, you do NOT need to leave a safe arrival message.

The school answering machine is available 24 hours a day for messages. If you hear the buses are cancelled at 6 am you are able to leave a message at that time and you do not need to wait for school hours. Many parents are also using our website and clicking the Safe Arrival link to report their child’s absence.

Thank you to the parents/ guardians who contact the school to let us know their child is safe at home.